star wars

Remember battle beyond the stars with John boy Walton? That was a cool one. Last starfighter…tron...kinda goofy now but awesome at the time…
That's a blast from the past! yes - but also Battlestar Galactica with the cylons and Buck Rogers with that ridiculous Robot Twiki lol

Speaking of the Waltons I also remember shows like Eight is Enough... and Welcome Back Kotter and Good Times... that one was Dy-no-mite!

Also Hardware Wars...They had the people that made this on a kids morning show over here called "The super flying fun show". So I remember this when it came out.

Star Wars getting ruined can be summed up nicely using two words: "jar jar binks". It was all downhill. That and Mark Hamill being more like Darth Vader in real life than Luke Skywalker. I think him and Richard Marx are in a contest for who can be the biggest lefty nutjob on social media. You'd think being rich and famous with money and a great looking wife would be enough but damn if those people don't come across as desperately wanting to remain relevant and completely embittered and unhappy.
Star Wars getting ruined can be summed up nicely using two words: "jar jar binks". It was all downhill. That and Mark Hamill being more like Darth Vader in real life than Luke Skywalker. I think him and Richard Marx are in a contest for who can be the biggest lefty nutjob on social media. You'd think being rich and famous with money and a great looking wife would be enough but damn if those people don't come across as desperately wanting to remain relevant and completely embittered and unhappy.
John "cougar" Mellencamp is a contender too
IMHO it all started with those damned Ewoks.

The writing was on-the-wall back in 1983.
I remember seeing Empire Strikes Back at the drive-in in Geneva, NY when it came out.
My father had a 70's Chevy Street Van, bed in back.

I must have fallen asleep during the movie because I remember waking up and there was a dirty movie playing on the big screen.