Terry Kilgore's house in Altadena, California burned down. Let's help him out! GoFundMe information

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Hate ins companies. My dad worked for the state of Mn as an ins regulator. It always amazed him as to the lengths ins companies will go to deny claims. To the point of trying to 'alter' previously signed documentation.

Here's a fact when it comes to ins, and big business.....they have teams of Actuaries that decide which approach is more profitable....to pay the claims, or deny deny deny...and hope they wear you out over time. Similar to Ford Motor Co when it came to the Pinto..."Gee, these cars are blowing up when rear ended. What should we do? (Actuary) Well, it'll cost 100 million to retrofit the cars safely. We calculate it'll cost 60 million to pay out all the wrongful death lawsuits." Ford Exec..."Well, that's easy. Let em burn."
This is madness. Sad that regular people can do nothing to punish this.
As I found out with my GoFundMe fir the fire that ate our entire flat regular people come to your aid.

And funnily enough moreso folks you'd never expect it from.
I've had an unbelievably blessed life. My youth and my adult life. It feels good to help people and I definitely haven't done enough and can do more.

If everyone just gave a little or donated a bit of time helping build or mentoring, more people would not go hungry, etc. Any one of us could lose our home, get cancer, etc, etc. I think we all should help when we can but man, I wish I could give and do more.
Can someone explain the insurance and how it works down there? Are some area just not insurable because the payout is more likely than in other places?Or it a matter of the terms of the insurance and they conveniently leave natural disasters or fires out? I was looking at my home insurance and when it comes to wildfire, it is strangely very vague. Fire damage ( as a result of a flood) which is not likely to happen but what about straight up wild fire? My guess is no outside of flood tripping electrical or electrical issue causing fire. So in these cases, they deny and then a small amount of people with the cash to do so, go to court and get a settlement but also pay out legal fees. They know most won't chance it or spend more money so they take the minimum and move on after losing just about everything.
I've had an unbelievably blessed life. My youth and my adult life. It feels good to help people and I definitely haven't done enough and can do more.

If everyone just gave a little or donated a bit of time helping build or mentoring, more people would not go hungry, etc. Any one of us could lose our home, get cancer, etc, etc. I think we all should help when we can but man, I wish I could give and do more.
Well said brother!
I've had an unbelievably blessed life. My youth and my adult life. It feels good to help people and I definitely haven't done enough and can do more.

If everyone just gave a little or donated a bit of time helping build or mentoring, more people would not go hungry, etc. Any one of us could lose our home, get cancer, etc, etc. I think we all should help when we can but man, I wish I could give and do more.

You rock, man. I agree with @JackBootedThug ... well said.
I feel terrible for the many who are getting screwed over at a time of devastating loss and tragedy. Insurance companies are just plain crooked. They have zero moral compass..

It takes a special kind of asshole to be an insurance adjuster. How can someone in good faith could go to work everyday knowing their job is is screw over the client who have paid premiums for years or decades, in most cases without without incident. Yes they have to defend against the occasional fraudster, or bogus claim, but the job is to deny or pay as little as possible. You have to be a complete dickhead to do that job. I know from personal experience and getting fucked over more than once, although not to the degree of those taking a giant shaft in the ass right now.

Finance are tight as hell and I am facing serious health issues but I have still managed to donate to help those who have lost so much( or everything) and also to those who are doing so much to help. It is a shame that we have to flip the bill, because the insurance companies find a way to weasel out. Fuck those guys!!
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I been an agent almost 40 yrs.
I hate going to work
Every morning I unlock the door I say to myself what the fuck am I in for today .

Every time the phone rings I cringe

Non renewals are Hitting my system like a conveyor belt

Problem is this has been brewing since Andrew hit FL in 92 or so.

Now it's at a breaking point.

We have 50 governors and 2 houses in DC that will not address the problem.

theyre not gettinginvolved

It's not so much the individual insurance companies. although most are scum bag outfits as well.

There's a few good ones that pay out with little trouble

It's the reinsurers behind them that are calling the shots along with the actuaries and all their graphs charts and predictions
We have 50 governors and 2 houses in DC that will not address the problem.
And the sad thing is these clowns not wanting to help with aid when a state is hit hard, then the very next disaster that same clown that refused to give help to another state is begging for his state. It's ridiculous. But I don't blame them, I blame us, the people that elected them, that's on us for continuing to elect idiots who literally are only concerned with two things, power and wealth.
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And the sad thing is these clowns not giving wanting to help with aid when a state is hit hard, then the very next disaster that same clown that refused to give help to another state is begging for his state. It's ridiculous. But I don't blame them, I blame us, the people that elected them, that's on us for continuing to elect idiots who literally are only concerned with two things, power and wealth.
i think they are just oblivious. no one is making enough noise to change anything. The media is not yapping it up either
now maybe with LA they will wake up
I don't believe we are electing them either.

Mail in ballots amongst > 20 methods of voter fraud.

I can promise you my 'governor' did not win her last election. Yet she's in office today in all her self riotous glory.
Terry aka Tube Tramp was very entertaining on the Mojave/Plexi Palace forum.

i remember his stories of jamming with vh, the harvey mason two hand tapping connections, and finding treasure troves of old tubes. what a heartbreaking turn of events. being that close to the west coast epicenter of the music industry and with the proliferation of home studios, the loss of vintage audio and guitar gear must be incalculable.

Alta Dena is a very lovely town like Pasadena and Palisades. Lots of old trees, nice yards, cool architecture and upscale two story homes. i remember thinking if i ever had to move to an area near downtown LA that is where i’d look.

ironically i worked on a Playboy video production in a mansion in Alta Dena in the 90s during a string of massive Santa Ana wind stoked wildfires (San Bernardino Old Fire, Malibu, Alta Dena) and remember filming one scene at night in the master bedroom where the entire vista looking out of the picture window which faced the mountains was lit up with fire.

the following day during filming one of my wisdom teeth spontaneously flared up so bad i was having a hard time functioning so i desperately drove down the road looking for a drug store and saw a private practice dental office. the office was closed on the weekend but the side door was open. the guy just happened to be there doing some paperwork and was nice enough to check me out and write me a prescription for pain killers off the books until i could get an appointment. love Alta Dena!