Terry Kilgore's house in Altadena, California burned down. Let's help him out! GoFundMe information

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Hi Rig-Talkers,

Some of you know the name Terry Kilgore. He's also known online as Tube Tramp or Sarge. He's a great guy and a solid pal.
Terry and Eddie Van Halen were close friends. He once told me "We were friends since we were in short pants." There's lots of info on the internet about their friendship.
He lived in Altadena, California and he lost just about everything in the Eaton fire.
Unfortunately, his fire coverage was cut from his insurance policy just a few weeks ago.
Where his house stood, only ashes remain. I've been to his house a few times and it was beautiful.
He's a brother musician and did not deserve this to happen to him. He'd greatly appreciate any help. Please help him out if you can.

Terry's daughter started a GoFundMe page. Here's the link---
> https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-us-recover-from-eaton-fire-disaster
Terry Kilgores property(1).gif
terry kilgore fire.webp
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I agree with you. The insurance companies are absolute disgrace.

Our friends that lost their homes are just plain devastated.

The Insurance Commissioner put a moratorium on home insurance cancellations, thank goodness: https://www.latimes.com/business/st...um-on-home-policy-cancellations-in-fire-zones
I agree with you. The insurance companies are absolute disgrace.
I agree with you. The insurance companies are absolute disgrace.
I agree with you. The insurance companies are absolute disgrace.
Postfactum? Or will this affect all those recently made cuts? Hopefully it does.
"The moratorium, issued Thursday, protects homeowners living within the perimeter of the fire and in adjoining ZIP codes from losing their policies for one year, starting from when Gov. Gavin Newsom declared a state of emergency on Wednesday."
"The moratorium, issued Thursday, protects homeowners living within the perimeter of the fire and in adjoining ZIP codes from losing their policies for one year, starting from when Gov. Gavin Newsom declared a state of emergency on Wednesday."
So postfactum…These motherfuckers aren’t the same biological species with us for sure. How fucking removed one can be from regular people?
Ain't had it since '13. It would suck to watch the home I built burn down but I don't own that much stuff I really care about and it'd make my next move hella easy. I could have all the important stuff out in 15 minutes or less.
I’m more concerned about some cocksucker pretending to fall and taking me to court. Or one of my shit eating dogs takes a bite out of some piece of shit and I get sued for that. Lol
Terrible, sad, and sickening.
So many issues from all directions these people are dealing with.
So postfactum…These motherfuckers aren’t the same biological species with us for sure. How fucking removed one can be from regular people?
Hate ins companies. My dad worked for the state of Mn as an ins regulator. It always amazed him as to the lengths ins companies will go to deny claims. To the point of trying to 'alter' previously signed documentation.

Here's a fact when it comes to ins, and big business.....they have teams of Actuaries that decide which approach is more profitable....to pay the claims, or deny deny deny...and hope they wear you out over time. Similar to Ford Motor Co when it came to the Pinto..."Gee, these cars are blowing up when rear ended. What should we do? (Actuary) Well, it'll cost 100 million to retrofit the cars safely. We calculate it'll cost 60 million to pay out all the wrongful death lawsuits." Ford Exec..."Well, that's easy. Let em burn."