The most effective way to chase your tone...(Speakers!)

I too think that the stock speaker sounded better. The WGS sounded like there was a blanket over the amp. Of course the OP is a *lot* younger than me and maybe his hearing is more sensitive to high frequencies. At any rate, it is a nice comparison and fabulous playing. A tip of the hat to the OP.
I commented on your YT video....playing and tone is freaking sweet, whatever the speaker.

Others have already commented that the stock speaker has more clarity and cut...and the WGS is smoother. My hearing is shot above about 15k anyway...

Just for sheer listening, I prefer the new speaker.
Speakers make a huge difference in a guitar's timbre.

I learned that old Marshalls work well with WGS ET-65 speakers. Mesa/Boogies not so- keep them with the MC90s and EVs.
I prefer stock. That being said... I love a tasty hand-made vanilla shake, with a light bitter cocoa dusting on top.