Trump Impeachment

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Krull":c7334m0a said:
Very odd that CNN and MSNBC did not cover the IG’s testimony!
What'd you expect, comrade? They're all hiding under their smelly little 8x12 cubicles with their wonky tails between their quivering legs anticipating the inevitable yet to come.

At this stage, with Biden's Laser pin-point accuracy, we need to remind him if he follows 2-guys walking into a bar to make sure and duck - trust me on this one.

The KGB...ER...FBI lied to the FIFSA court to get a warrant to spy on an American citizen. Scary stuff, man.
Maybe Mr. Nadler, creepy Pelosi and Sir Adderall pencil-neck need a round or 2 with little Pebble here as their collective future is very grim - we need a new cage.

Boris absolutely slaughtered 'em, and as usual the polls predicted a tight affair / hung parliament.

The butt-hurt lefties in the UK were out protesting immediately-following the election result... that they didn't like and were shocked by.

What do they hope to achieve by making a noise hours after the general election? It's just like in the US - "We're butt-hurt and... we're butt-hurt... so there...".
Monkey Man":2kg0fr4q said:
Boris absolutely slaughtered 'em, and as usual the polls predicted a tight affair / hung parliament.

The butt-hurt lefties in the UK were out protesting immediately-following the election result... that they didn't like and were shocked by.

What do they hope to achieve by making a noise hours after the general election? It's just like in the US - "We're butt-hurt and... we're butt-hurt... so there...".
Yeah, its interesting to watch. They went through the same nonsense with fake polling info we did. It was not even close. I like that Boris will tell them to blow it out their ass if he needs to :lol: :LOL:
Yeah bro'. Boris rocks; I picked him 10 years ago, and finally he's there. :gethim: :thumbsup:
Krull":to8o50a0 said:
Those idiots and the govs, have really taken an axe to Ca & fucked it up good.
RIFF":1cavhh02 said:
Krull":1cavhh02 said:
Those idiots and the govs, have really taken an axe to Ca & fucked it up good.
Yeah, its sad
I lived there years ago and if you are a motocrosser (I was) it was the greatest place on earth. And one of the most beautiful. I lived in Lancaster, home of Bob Hannah, down in the desert. It was awesome. People came from all over the globe to race those legendary tracks. Carlsbad, Saddleback when they still had the Trans AMA series. Great stuff.
It may be too late already for cali, but I hope not...
so let's get this straight.... the man who paid 25 million in a settlement regarding his scam university really cares about corruption. the same man who just paid 2 million in a settlement regarding stealing from his scam charity really cares about corruption.

when 25 defenses fail this is all you have left and it makes no sense.
JTyson":1xq2eud1 said:
RIFF":1xq2eud1 said:
Krull":1xq2eud1 said:
Those idiots and the govs, have really taken an axe to Ca & fucked it up good.
Yeah, its sad
I lived there years ago and if you are a motocrosser (I was) it was the greatest place on earth. And one of the most beautiful. I lived in Lancaster, home of Bob Hannah, down in the desert. It was awesome. People came from all over the globe to race those legendary tracks. Carlsbad, Saddleback when they still had the Trans AMA series. Great stuff.
It may be too late already for cali, but I hope not...
Yeah. There was LOTS of open area to ride. I used to dirt bike a lot, just exploring & having a blast.

Eventually, they started allowing everything to be a big problem...
When a lawsuit against someone whos property they were on while they got hurt or killed, gets honored... they understandably just lock the whole thing down.
Then if theres a bad fire season, they shut things down, but never reopen it.
Now, you cant even go hiking in a national forest without buying a license. Because high taxes just arent enough.

But they also dont like the way trails from bikes disturb nature, or some field mouse. So maybe just go to a city park with homeless druggies & gangs.

They ALSO want to allow overbuilding, because votes... but wont allow reservoirs to be built to allow water for them, because environmentalists.

A paradox of contradictions...

Recently, they passed laws to prevent independent contractors... (less taxes)

It really cant be summed up in a single thick book. But maybe in a few single words. :doh:
RIFF":2wj1cjw6 said:
It really cant be summed up in a single thick book. But maybe in a few single words. :doh:
I think your single emoticon did the job perfectly, brother. I feel your pain.

Proof? Observe:
Monkey Man":si8jvnp3 said:
RIFF":si8jvnp3 said:
It really cant be summed up in a single thick book. But maybe in a few single words. :doh:
I think your single emoticon did the job perfectly, brother. I feel your pain.

Proof? Observe:
I FEEL that you feel that!
:lol: :LOL:
Krull":2fyodtck said:
How toasty is the oven again Rytard?

It’s obvious we won’t hear from out good friend until the next coordinated media/Democrat plot emerges. He’ll copy and paste up a storm then.

In the meantime...Smell ya later.

Prior to the start of the impeachment trial, all Senators have to take a vow that states, “I solemnly swear [or affirm, as the case may be] that in all things appertaining to the trial of the impeachment of [the person being impeached], now pending, I will do impartial justice according to the Constitution and laws: So help me God.”

Yesterday, Mitch McConnell said "I'm not an impartial juror. This is a political process. There's not anything judicial about it," McConnell told reporters on Tuesday. "The House made a partisan political decision to impeach. I would anticipate we will have a largely partisan outcome in the Senate. I'm not impartial about this at all."

It is clear that he can not sit as a juror on the impeachment trial. Neither can Lindsey Graham, who said, “I am trying to give a pretty clear signal I have made up my mind. I’m not trying to pretend to be a fair juror here.” What's even scarier is that they are both attorneys who have taken an oath to the bar and to the courts. I think the American Bar Association should consider disbarring both of them.
Ry Manchu":ol34o4z1 said:
Krull":ol34o4z1 said:
How toasty is the oven again Rytard?

It’s obvious we won’t hear from out good friend until the next coordinated media/Democrat plot emerges. He’ll copy and paste up a storm then.

In the meantime...Smell ya later.

Prior to the start of the impeachment trial, all Senators have to take a vow that states, “I solemnly swear [or affirm, as the case may be] that in all things appertaining to the trial of the impeachment of [the person being impeached], now pending, I will do impartial justice according to the Constitution and laws: So help me God.”

Yesterday, Mitch McConnell said "I'm not an impartial juror. This is a political process. There's not anything judicial about it," McConnell told reporters on Tuesday. "The House made a partisan political decision to impeach. I would anticipate we will have a largely partisan outcome in the Senate. I'm not impartial about this at all."

It is clear that he can not sit as a juror on the impeachment trial. Neither can Lindsey Graham, who said, “I am trying to give a pretty clear signal I have made up my mind. I’m not trying to pretend to be a fair juror here.” What's even scarier is that they are both attorneys who have taken an oath to the bar and to the courts. I think the American Bar Association should consider disbarring both of them.

I hope the Republicans are just as fair and impartial as the Democrats the MSM and the FBI have been to trump over the last 3 years.