What’s the best songs to listen to when angry

Here you go. If you are mad when you listen, you will become god damned furious!! If you are furious, oh boy, watch out. You will enter the realm of the berserker rage.

This is also pretty decent , might not get you to the realm of the berserker rage, but will fire you up. Your anger will boil over and you will come close to going insane.

That has crushing guitar tones . Like Mouth for War for me . Great energy with Wizard /Randall rip your head off tone .Looking to make a play list
They didn't introduce the Wizard till around Trendkill, possibly FBD. and it wasn't the main tone. VDOP is all Randall, same with CFH.
I can’t leave out Cold as Life. The dude to this day had the sickest tone of anyone I’ve seen, dude had a LP with 81’s, full metal grill mesa boogie stack, simul 2:90s and a rockmaster preamp. I actually skipped out on my senior prom an hour before on my date and all cause they were playing my state

I don't listen to music when I'm angry. I very seldom get pissed off. When I do the last thing I want to do is listen to anything.