Which do you like best of these Ibanez and Jacksons


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The Ibanez is new and looks like it is coping the Jackson design

To me they pretty much look the same. Are you going to use the extra three frets? I don't even use the extra two Frets on a 24 fret guitar but that's just me. I think the neck pickup sound better on a 22 fret guitar, just my opinion. I think it's up to you what color you like and you'll be happy with either one. Good luck on whichever one you pick.
There's quite a bit of difference actually , look at the knob layout and switch vs toggle comparison .
None of them. Like someone said, "they all look the same." ESP fucks the flow of their guitars when they have the 12th fret that doesn't match imo. If u like them that's what matters but knowing Jackson, the only thing about them that make those a Jackson is the logo. They all look like an Ibanez for what it's worth.
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For what it's worth the neck pickup on my Hamer USA Californian (27 frets) sounds awesome; Dimarzio Chopper
Those Wildcards are grossly overpriced.

That said, I'd go Ibanez Prestige any day, but not that one.. Neither work for me either.
One of the best guitars I’ve played, actually, best super strats, was a j custom that brutally kicked ass in every way.

I have long hunted the Texas special. Rick Graham managed to snag one. 3 colors, only 12 of each color made.