Announcement: Fortin – Randall – Metallica & more

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steve_k":uc3cb8lo said:
We will need a Fort-Randall Forum now.... :rock:

Now, let me go gather up my Fortin Amp collection.

No he doesn't. :no:
Thank you very much for all the good words, I really appreciate it :rock:
rjmmusic":22og8sjd said:
Congrats!!! Randall's lucky to have you on board - they could really use a killer amp design right about now.

I look forward to checking out the end result!

Ron !!!! You'll be hearing from us very soon on a few things :rock:
Mike will any of your Randall amps be at NAMM??? Congrats!!!

Motorpud":25ns0qwf said:
Good shit Mike :rock:

You would've thought they would've been more after the NATAS :dunno: :lol: :LOL:

We brought 2 Proto amps to HQ, the 6 channel one which stayed and the other was a completely different amp for James to check out. :thumbsup:
stephen sawall":1149p2v6 said:
Very interesting ..... :)

Hey Kirk ..... How's it going ?

Hey. Thing's are going great here, getting some great support from our fans and the guys at Fortin and Randall. I can't complain. How are you, friend?
Juggernaut":37c5f29u said:
That is fucking awesome Mike, congrats!!!!

You should tell them that the original century 200 was an amazing SS amp and they should rerelease it, those were my favorites among all of their amps..... But I'm seriously stoked to see what you guys come out with, I'm an old school Randall fanboy. ;)

Thanks Mike !!! I will look into that. They are still strongly rooted for the SS stuff. There are plans, that is all I can say at this point :rock:
Ventura":1uheniso said:
Ace work... Make sure they treat you well, and remember - don't go changing!!

Maybe, if given another opportunity to work closely with Metallica, you could modify Kirk's wah to have an OFF/OFF toggle :dunno:

Seriously, mega congrats... You going to stay in ON??

Mo :salute:

I'll mention that to Kirk's tech and get an autographed LULU CD for you ;)
glpg80":jjobmjwg said:
Should have taken the evil pumpkin to them instead so we could have had a chance at a production version :lol: :LOL:

You'll be happy in the future :thumbsup:

But we both know that you'll be sticking with your 5150 ;)

Just a bit of fun :cheers:
snowdog":2pyxt14l said:
Congrats Mike. :thumbsup:

Was the other prototype a version of the NATAS?

It was completely different from the MH based proto. More changes for round 2 on that one. Sorry for not being able to be more specific. I didn't get the ok to discuss that side of it :rock:
steve_k":30dqqv3c said:
And there you have it. Good on you Mike and glad for you. I knew something was different about Hamsters tone in Abu Dhabi :thumbsup: . That was the first show, then they did the two shows in India. To land a deal like this and load up Het's and Kirk's rack is the strongest of endorsements for you and your product.


Thanks Steve! Kirk had the new Randall proto in Abu Dhabi. Both protos are in Kirk's tour rig only. We're working on getting a different amp in James hands. We couldn't leave the one that we brought since it belonged to one of my customers. Standby on that one.
Kick ass....
Couldn't happen to a better guy...
You deserve it....
yngzaklynch":3j9bffr8 said:
Mike will any of your Randall amps be at NAMM??? Congrats!!!


Not for January. Maybe a proto to Messe. Not 100% on that though
Great news... Cant wait to hear the monster for myself !
Kirk from Metallica":1we3d351 said:
stephen sawall":1we3d351 said:
Very interesting ..... :)

Hey Kirk ..... How's it going ?

Hey. Thing's are going great here, getting some great support from our fans and the guys at Fortin and Randall. I can't complain. How are you, friend?
Things are good .....very glad to see it will be easier to get some of Mike's work soon for a lot more people. I see this as a very positive thing.....