LP Freak
Well-known member
Great news Brad. 

Speechless for sureKing Guitar":1nahddn9 said:I will be flying back in on March 15 for the final test with Mark, Dave Friedman and Rob and to kick off the official production. At that time I will open up the ordering here on Rig-Talk with a separate stickied CCV Ordering thread with full details on specs, tubes, price, down payment, delivery times etc...
I will announce 24 hours prior when the ordering thread will go live. We will then take orders on a first come first delivered basis. Once you post up you want one you will have 24 hours to make $1000 deposit for a head and $500 for matching 4x12 cab if you want one. That as fair as I know to do it. Looks like this is really going to happen, who would of though it.![]()
DEWD":2k2gqcpr said:Awesome. I thought I might wait to pick one up in a few months after the dust settles but I may get one of the first ones now.![]()
Why, you're still gonna get one.Doubleneck":wqnhg6qc said:DEWD":wqnhg6qc said:Awesome. I thought I might wait to pick one up in a few months after the dust settles but I may get one of the first ones now.![]()
Should of waited![]()
Lp Freak":kfg7hngr said:Why, you're still gonna get one.Doubleneck":kfg7hngr said:DEWD":kfg7hngr said:Awesome. I thought I might wait to pick one up in a few months after the dust settles but I may get one of the first ones now.![]()
Should of waited![]()
Doubleneck":26ubhli2 said:DEWD":26ubhli2 said:Awesome. I thought I might wait to pick one up in a few months after the dust settles but I may get one of the first ones now.![]()
Should of waited![]()
DEWD":290h5ace said:Doubleneck":290h5ace said:DEWD":290h5ace said:Awesome. I thought I might wait to pick one up in a few months after the dust settles but I may get one of the first ones now.![]()
Should of waited![]()
Won't you get your CCV sooner if a bunch of people buy up the first run of amps?
I thought I read that somewhere but I could be wrong.
The builder told me (verbatim) that you tried to get him to build an amp. Then he when I told him that I eluded to it here on RT, he said; "well, he didn't really ask me to do that..." What an asshole!psychodave":3cfcicjp said:echodrive":3cfcicjp said:psychodave":3cfcicjp said:echodrive":3cfcicjp said:How precious is this? Hey Dave, it's a good thing you never had one of your Cameron Marshall's circuit documented, and then sent the schematic to a competing builder in an attempt to get him to copy it.... I would be shocked!psychodave":3cfcicjp said:King Guitar":3cfcicjp said:Superunknown":3cfcicjp said:Hey Brad....if this venture does not work out (and I really hope it does), I have the following amps which could be used as the prototypes for a new production line.
SLP Jose (with the Dumble/IIC+ 3rd Channel)
JMP Aldrich
SLP Ocean
I truly hope each and every one of you guys who sent money get your cash back or an amp. This really sucks.....
Thanks Todd, I might take you up on that. Pleasure to meet you and your very gracious wife at NAMM as well.![]()
I am shocked that you guys are openly discussing stealing amp circuits for profit. Mark saw the Jose circuits after someone bought an estate lot of amps, but changed things to make it his own. Mark Cameron's Aldrich and Ocean circuits are his own work and have been around since before he saw any Jose amps. I feel this is completly wrong.While it's sad Mark fucked over some people, two wrongs dont make a right.
Yup, you're a tool. A complete idiot...but you already knew that.![]()
Where do you idiots get your information from?
I never sent anything to anyone in an attempt to have them copy an amp for me.
How about posting the amp builder I sent info to so they can build me an amp and I will call them a liar pubically. Come on, put up or shut up. Let's see if you are all talk... And just a punk![]()
Don't you mean; "or just a punk"? Is it hard to concentrate while your dog is licking your balls?
I meant "And just a punk."![]()
...also, please stop thinking about my balls.![]()
Let's stop the petty arguing. I am sick of the Cameron drama.![]()
NS10Fan":1pbcp4yn said:Any new word?
sinfish":ng5qw5jw said:OK I am putting up the Dirt bike for sale now to get one. This GAS is downright painful.
tubebury51":2sk8ul6h said:sinfish":2sk8ul6h said:OK I am putting up the Dirt bike for sale now to get one. This GAS is downright painful.
I am putting up my DAUGHTER for sale now to get one. This GAS is downright painful!!