Cameron CCV transformer

Equ1nox":1v88nl50 said:
"So its an otherwise stock JCM/A 800 with the Jose style 20v zener diode clippers right before the tone stack, and a depth mod added to the NFB."

Well, little more than that...filtering, transformer selections, etc. It's not just the preamp folks, it's sum of the wholes and where most people fall short in thinking.

Thanks, I'm well aware what I mention probably just get's me in the ballpark.
It's kind of hard to understand what you're saying when you type in broken English. But I'm going to assume it's all BS and nonsense. You have a striking inability to follow a simple train of thought and understand what people say and understand context clues. So all your responses are non-sequiturs, red herrings, and straw men. So really, the only thing one can do is ignore you. My response above has a lot of subtext and you need to be able to read between the lines to understand what I'm actually getting at. And you lack that ability.

How about you prove your original claim that Ceriatone amps are built with "the absolute worst components." You still haven't provide one shred of evidence. I totally shut you down in that other thread. You didn't even reply there. Instead you come into this thread to start up the argument again. You're a joke. Prove I owned a CCV? Hurry up? Who do you think you are? Get lost. I bought my CCV from mhenson42. Why don't you go ask him about it.
A striking inability to follow a simple train of thought!! Hahahhahahahaah!!!!!!
I asked the question for a different reason. ;)

In what ways? How do the two circuits compare/contrast?

This is why I asked what I asked. Why is it trying to be a Cameron Jose and not a Fortin Jose or a Gower Jose or just a Jose Jose? What makes it a Cameron copy and not a copy of something else?

Nothing wrong with a little criticism. :D

When you say the Chupacabra is a copy of a Cameron and that it's not "the real deal" and that it doesn't "add up," what exactly is that if not criticism? If you are criticizing Ceriatone that's totally cool. Don't hide from it. Might as well own it. :) But really... I'm more interested to know details about the other aspect of your comments. Especially since you seem to know the ins/outs of these circuits. I'd love if you could share some of that knowledge. How does Cameron do a Jose/Cali circuit differently than Fortin or Ceriatone or anybody else?

Maybe those people were mistaken about the Chupa being a Cameron clone. And maybe that's why they were disappointed. I bought my Chupacabra, not because it is or is not a Cameron clone, but because I liked the sound of the amp on its own merits. Not because I was trying to get a cheaper version of another amp. Big difference.

I also owned a CCV. I had it side by side with a Chupacabra. Hell, I played them in stereo at one point. I don't regret selling the CCV. Never really liked it much.

Yes. See above.

The CCV I had was dark and smooth and sounded/felt more like a Bogner than anything else. The CCV is not a Jose nor a Cali circuit. There is exactly ONE video/clip of the CCV where I think it sounds good. And that clip was the reason I bought one. But the amp didn't sound anything like it in person.
It is based the the Jose master volume. At the end of the day, it’s is a Jose type circuit with a lot of switches and a versatile NFB circuit that has clear inspirations from the bogner XTC excursion circuit.
I can remember everytime Mark did a video he played the same gibberish bullshit and everybody would ooooooooooh and awwwhhhh over it.:shocked:
Just to put some actual information in the thread instead of pointless bashing and bullshit, recently talked to Mercury and got the following info:
OT was an MMO-100 that had the taps all moved to one side
Choke was an MC10H

Power transformer has already been documented IIRC

Necros are fun
Just to put some actual information in the thread instead of pointless bashing and bullshit, recently talked to Mercury and got the following info:
OT was an MMO-100 that had the taps all moved to one side
Choke was an MC10H

Power transformer has already been documented IIRC

Necros are fun
Good to know. I want to pull the original OT and PT out of my 74 Marshall. Already ordered my custom PT but was looking for a replacement OT to put in. Might look into this one.