New Lynch ... Is.....


Well-known member
Total shit? I think that's a fair assessment. Tone is garbage and so is whatever idea is going on in his head. I commend him for being active but even Malmsteen can't put out noodles this bad.

This is 100% how I expected it to sound (I personally don't like it). This is the direction he has worked into over the last 10-15 years. I think Souls of We and Furious George might be the last of his work I remotely liked. But, he's still playing, he's still making money at doing what he loves. Can't hate him for that.

Anyone else waste an hour's worth of time and a few bucks on the Wicked Sensation Reimagined album? No? So I'm the only one?
Love the fact that George still pumping out tracks at his age. It is definitely not his best but it's not that horrible. It is for sure a little different flavor from his usual.