Rutgers Student Banned From Taking Online Classes Because He’s Unvaccinated

That was the point I was trying to get at with him but the density is just too great. Anyway, I think he ran back to his safe space with me and hit ignore. Alas, it really isn't sporting to engage in a fencing match with a no armed opponent so I shall not.

OK silly boy. You want to fence? Let's go.

Quick recap:

ME: You won't take the vaccine but you'll inject a drug that the CDC, AMA, and others are warning folks not to take?

YOU: It's all part of the big conspiracy man, can't you see it?

You're up.
And you see? You already went there because you've got absolutely NOTHING.

Where else am I suppose to go?
All officials say don't take the parasite medicine. Pill makes say don't take the parasite medicine.

You and you merry pranksters here (the same ones convinced the FL condo collapse was on purpose)
say the CDC, AMA, and all the pill makers are in on some grand scheme with the vaccine makers.

That's the very definition of a conspiracy theory.
I seriously don't know what else to call it!
Where else am I suppose to go?
All officials say don't take the parasite medicine. Pill makes say don't take the parasite medicine.

You and you merry pranksters here (the same ones convinced the FL condo collapse was on purpose)
say the CDC, AMA, and all the pill makers are in on some grand scheme with the vaccine makers.

That's the very definition of a conspiracy theory.
I seriously don't know what else to call it!
A: I never said I would take it though I will keep an open mind. My point to make to you Frank, was that there are medicines that go on to treat multiple things after initial development so how do you KNOW it won't work? Because the figureheads say so? Jesus man, stop walking towards the cliff. Look at the money being made. Your constant reiteration of because the AMA or CDC "say so" just doesn't pull weight buddy.
From professional experience, when looking for the truth, you look for consistency in statements and in questions answered. In the last 18 months, America has seen anything but that. Fauci is an undeniable criminal and your constant defense of him shows extreme weakness. If you look at the conduct of the political party now in office from the last 4 years of screaming at the sky and constant attacks, why the fuck should ANYBODY believe a word they say? Also, I never implied I wouldn't eventually get vaccinated. But it sure as hell won't be until it's ACTUALLY known safe and effective.
B: I never said a fucking thing about the Miami building collapse.
C: As I proved to the other night, you try to present yourself as some stand up American when you're nothing but a liar with ZERO credibility.
To borrow a quote from a cheesy but fun movie: "You have been weighed, you have been measured, and you have been found wanting. In what world could you possibly beat me?"
You want to swim into the sharks mouth? Make sure you baste yourself plenty. I'll be juuuuuussst fine :cool:
How do you KNOW it won't work? Because the figureheads say so?

When my car is broke I take it to a mechanic cause I never learned how to fix cars.
When my teeth hurt so bad I can't take it anymore I go to a dentist.
If I need open heart surgery I'm going to seek out a heart surgeon.

If I'm considering putting a prescription drug into my body I'd like an MD to write the prescription.
And they have been investigating it for parasitic treatment but the results aren't there yet.
From professional experience, when looking for the truth, you look for consistency in statements and in questions answered. In the last 18 months, America has seen anything but that. Fauci is an undeniable criminal and your constant defense of him shows extreme weakness.
Do you understand what it means when a viral strain is catalogued as NOVEL?
Do you understand what a mutation means (variant)?
Do you understand they are still making up new treatments for cancer, and that's been around forever.

As I proved to the other night, you try to present yourself as some stand up American when you're nothing but a liar with ZERO credibility.

Fuck you.
I don't try to present myself as anyone.
You paint me whatever the fuck way you want.
You're just pixels on my laptop screen.
When my car is broke I take it to a mechanic cause I never learned how to fix cars.
When my teeth hurt so bad I can't take it anymore I go to a dentist.
If I need open heart surgery I'm going to seek out a heart surgeon.

If I'm considering putting a prescription drug into my body I'd like an MD to write the prescription.
And they have been investigating it for parasitic treatment but the results aren't there yet.

Do you understand what it means when a viral strain is catalogued as NOVEL?
Do you understand what a mutation means (variant)?
Do you understand they are still making up new treatments for cancer, and that's been around forever.

Fuck you.
I don't try to present myself as anyone.
You paint me whatever the fuck way you want.
You're just pixels on my laptop screen.
Never heard of a mechanic that doesn't know what they're doing?
Multiple Dentists are known to push un-needed procedures
You going to have open heart surgery from a single opinion or look at ALL the options?

Something being NOVEL doesn't give the "experts" an excuse for changing direction every damn day. It does nothing but make them look inept and dishonest.
You ever stop to consider the mutations might be a result of an underdeveloped and over-used vaccine?
Don't EVEN start with the cancer shit. How many people are employed in that field? While I believe the intial intent was honest, the amount of money being made is ludicris. Yes there is good in it, but do you think the people in charge are going to cure themselves out of a job? And even setting that argument aside, I'm pretty sure the was MUCH more time and research put into the treatments before being used.

As for your last paragraph, your past posts and conduct do nothing but drive my point home.
Swim on Frank
Never heard of a mechanic that doesn't know what they're doing?
Multiple Dentists are known to push un-needed procedures
You going to have open heart surgery from a single opinion or look at ALL the options?

One bad apple don't spoil the whole bunch girl.
The big pharma companies don’t want people to use Ivermectin (or anything else)…because if it helps against Covid, then the emergency use of the vaccine falls off since there is another treatment available. They won’t get paid.

Think I’m wrong? Look at stock prices of these companies. They were off yesterday when the WHO said boosters aren’t needed.
… This👍
Just read the polio vaccine was approved in only one year based on volunteers who agreed to be test subjects. Amazing pitching in to help the country. But you guys wouldn't know anything about that.
Absolutely, the 100’s of millions who have been jabbed are volunteer test subjects for this Covid ‘vaccine’ that’s still NOT approved….

But of course, CNN, MSNBS, Google, Fake Check (etc) still lie about this. Pathetic
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