What Happened to 3rd Power Amps?

For the record, I never said anything negative or disparaging about that Dylana person. If anyone denigrated or insulted them then it certainly was not me. In fact, I had no idea what the "controversy" being mentioned early in this thread was about until I looked it up. In fact, I never said anything bad about the company or it's products. The reaction of people here has been utterly ignorant and totally presumptuous.

If you want to talk about what century we live in, then it's a world of ignorant reactionaries who cannot understand anything that is actually said but automatically go off on some offended rampage based on totally made-up, fictitious narratives. They have no idea what they're talking about because they just made ignorant assumptions about things I said, one fed off another, and digressed into some kind of savage mob.

Hey, if you want to chime in then at least find out what was actually said before judging. If you only consider what has been said in the fictitious backlash then you're not contributing anything sensible or truthful. I did nothing wrong and all the vulgarity and hatred come from things I never, ever said. They just made it all up and started slinging crap my way.

I never called you out. Not once! I was making a general comment to the theme about 3rd Power amps and "that Dylana person".

I read every post in this thread and also contributed clips of the company's amp. I never said anything that was fictitious but true based on my own experiences. No need to be defensive just because I made an opinionated comment. I assure you it wasn't made directly toward you. You have every right to believe the way you do as do I with my own thoughts. I don't believe I made a judgment at anyone directly. What I did say was that I was disappointed that we still live in a world that has to make fun of or downgrade someone based on their lifestyle. Again, I speak from experience as I have two children whom I love unconditionally despite how others may view them. They are some of the very best people I know regardless of them being my children.

Again, never called you out but find it interesting that you are the first person to chime in on my comment. I have every right to "chime" in just like you have. My intent was not to cause you to be defensive but to provide another viewpoint. Why would you say my comment was not sensible or truthful? You have every right to your viewpoint. In fact, I would say I have provided comments that are sensible and truthful based on my experience with Dylana and her company and my life experience. Whether anyone else agrees is up to them...not me. No problem from me here but I think it is important to try and understand both sides. If you do, my apologies.
I watched part of that tone talk video..

There's no way I could take that shit seriously..

Like, I'm supposed to pretend this is a woman ?
Which one was supposed to be the woman? Who are those people? WTF?
Did @MistaGuitah mention masturbating with jesus? Here's my latest tattoo.
I never called you out. Not once! I was making a general comment to the theme about 3rd Power amps and "that Dylana person".

I read every post in this thread and also contributed clips of the company's amp. I never said anything that was fictitious but true based on my own experiences. No need to be defensive just because I made an opinionated comment. I assure you it wasn't made directly toward you. You have every right to believe the way you do as do I with my own thoughts. I don't believe I made a judgment at anyone directly. What I did say was that I was disappointed that we still live in a world that has to make fun of or downgrade someone based on their lifestyle. Again, I speak from experience as I have two children whom I love unconditionally despite how others may view them. They are some of the very best people I know regardless of them being my children.

Again, never called you out but find it interesting that you are the first person to chime in on my comment. I have every right to "chime" in just like you have. My intent was not to cause you to be defensive but to provide another viewpoint. Why would you say my comment was not sensible or truthful? You have every right to your viewpoint. In fact, I would say I have provided comments that are sensible and truthful based on my experience with Dylana and her company and my life experience. Whether anyone else agrees is up to them...not me. No problem from me here but I think it is important to try and understand both sides. If you do, my apologies.
Whoa! Relax man. I never said you called me out, or accused you of anything, nor did I say a cross word about you, so no need to take offense. That comment wasn't even directed at you, because I just wanted to make it clear to readers that all the hate directed my way is totally baseless. Notice that I kept referring to "they" because I wasn't talking about you, rather, those people who selectively read posts and then mindlessly pile in with the mob.

I certainly do understand all sides man, and that's been quite evident and consistent in everything I've said. I'm alway considerate, thoughtful about the subject, and approach things from different angles. Therefore, even if I separate myself from various factions or do not accept certain ideologies, I do not lack empathy for anyone. In fact, I make a lot more effort than most people to explain the truth, edify, and instruct.

That is exactly the reason why I never said anything negative or disparaging about that Dylana person, nor did I say anything bad about their company. Yet, somehow the crazies flew off the handle and started accusing me of all kinds of things I didn't say. I've been cursed at and insulted in foul manner many times in this thread for no valid cause.

If anything, I was maybe a little disappointed that you chose to "chime" in to support your idea of social order and ethics but did not acknowledge the wrongdoings against me. When I've been viciously attacked for no reason and you come along talking about how you accept people as they are and so on, you should realize it conveys that you are voicing support for the people who fabricated that false narrative to begin with. If you read all my comments as you claim then you should have noticed that I never denigrated that person or company. So to gloss overt that monumental fact and 'chime' in doesn't exactly sound like you're being neutral because you're essentially speaking in support of a false premise. If I said something negative about the Dylana or 3rd Power then sure, you could make that point and be justified. But because I never said such things, chiming in on that narrative basically conveys support for it.
Did @MistaGuitah mention masturbating with jesus? Here's my latest tattoo.
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LOL! Do you actually think I'm offended by your stupid vulgarity? You're just showing everyone how demented you are. Only a sick, perverted mind would come up with something so disgusting and perverse. You talk like a sexual deviant. I certainly wouldn't allow you near any children.

On the contrary, I pity your ignorance because I know the time is coming for every mocker and scoffer to fall down trembling at judgment. You're just not smart enough to consider what eternal torment means, so I pity you because I know exactly what hell is and wouldn't even wish it on an enemy.

You're a desperate and weak little soul. You go to extremes to offend people because your mind is depraved and your heart is desolate. That's why you pull these pathetic little stunts of obscenity and fetid conduct. You're so weak and full of guilt that you take egregious measures to provoke or injure others. That's why the more you realize that I am much stronger than you, the more rancid and desperate you become. You are feeble and powerless in my presence.

The fact is, you're acting like a coward spewing filth over the internet and out of reach. You are no threat to me whatsoever. No matter how extreme or bizarre you become, you will always be pathetic and weak in the shadow of my strength. Maybe you should go shed that baby fat on your arms before you try to flex the wretched tattoo.

Now, consider your noxious behavior. Are you proud when you say abominable things? Do you think any decent person would praise your behavior? Do you think people with children want someone like you around? I urge you to become decent rather than despicable. A couple of people here and there might pat you on the back or cheer you on, but the truth is they see you as pernicious.
LOL! Do you actually think I'm offended by your stupid vulgarity? You're just showing everyone how demented you are. Only a sick, perverted mind would come up with something so disgusting and perverse. You talk like a sexual deviant. I certainly wouldn't allow you near any children.

On the contrary, I pity your ignorance because I know the time is coming for every mocker and scoffer to fall down trembling at judgment. You're just not smart enough to consider what eternal torment means, so I pity you because I know exactly what hell is and wouldn't even wish it on an enemy.

You're a desperate and weak little soul. You go to extremes to offend people because your mind is depraved and your heart is desolate. That's why you pull these pathetic little stunts of obscenity and fetid conduct. You're so weak and full of guilt that you take egregious measures to provoke or injure others. That's why the more you realize that I am much stronger than you, the more rancid and desperate you become. You are feeble and powerless in my presence.

The fact is, you're acting like a coward spewing filth over the internet and out of reach. You are no threat to me whatsoever. No matter how extreme or bizarre you become, you will always be pathetic and weak in the shadow of my strength. Maybe you should go shed that baby fat on your arms before you try to flex the wretched tattoo.

Now, consider your noxious behavior. Are you proud when you say abominable things? Do you think any decent person would praise your behavior? Do you think people with children want someone like you around? I urge you to become decent rather than despicable. A couple of people here and there might pat you on the back or cheer you on, but the truth is they see you as pernicious.
@MistaGuitah I can assure YOU that you're in THE wrong forum if you feel the way you do above.

For your own sanity abandon the OTC urgently...................seriously.

This place is a crude and rude madhouse.