WOT: The Raccoon Saga Continues?

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I guess the phone listed in the items you were going in with is to call 911 or a police negotiator in-case you become a hostage? :lol: :LOL:
:lol: :LOL: You bout ta get et up brah. :yes: They are over in the darkness smokin crack and gettin the rage on so they can Kamikaze you when you get all SEALED up in THEIR ATTIC. :hys: You need to go get that weapon automated. Let them know they are not the only ones that can SPRAY sumtin..... :codeak: Carry a big water jet cannon with clorox in it as a last resort before you go and have to break into a full out escape. SEMPER FI BRAH! :rock:
HOLLYWOOD":2e9jq1vx said:
:lol: :LOL: You bout ta get et up brah. :yes: They are over in the darkness smokin crack and gettin the rage on so they can Kamikaze you when you get all SEALED up in THEIR ATTIC. :hys: You need to go get that weapon automated. Let them know they are not the only ones that can SPRAY sumtin..... :codeak: Carry a big water jet cannon with clorox in it as a last resort before you go and have to break into a full out escape. SEMPER FI BRAH! :rock:

Yeah, ya know, as I sat there in the dark it occurred to me that I could have a logistics problem. The raccoon slayer is a break barrel single shot. If I miss I have to cock, point the flash light at the ammo so I can get another pellet, point the flash light at the breach so I can load the pellet and then point the flash light back in the raccoon's direction. Hopefully, he hasn't closed the 10' distance between us. :scared: :no:

Hmmm...I may have to rethink my strategy. :lol: :LOL:
Okay at the very least, wear a pull over the head full cover halloween mask. You know one that makes you look just like them. A RACOON. :thumbsup: That should buy you some time due to them being utterly trippin and confused. :hys: The racoon will stop half way across the attic floor and have that same look that Micheal Myers from the movie Halloween had when he was seeing some thing that tingled his monkey. Bad news is after a brief moment of trippin, Micheal Myers usually killed whatever it was confusing him. :yes: But hey it brought the people a few more moments of life :lol: :LOL: The only other thing that comes to mind is go to the armed forces surplus store and ask if they have any audio tapes of the crap the vietnamese would play out loud to mess with our troops heads. You never know the Racoons might decide to leave if they think illegal immigrants are moving in. :confused:
Well I gots a very fresh raccoon story...........................

I pull in the driveway coming home from work and the neighbor yells to me if I can help her get your dog out from under the porch as it has a mom raccoon pinned down in the corner under the fucking deck. She has this little kerrin terrier and it somehow got under the deck with the retractable leash still attached and now won't come out. I pull at the leash and that dog is just dug in and I do not know where the coon is so I did not want to endanger the dog or make it proun to get attacked.

I start digging and whole time I hear barking, hissing, growling, and now and then the two going at it and the woman is now in tears :lol: :LOL: I get the hole big enough so I can get a flash light under there and yup......coon with 3-4 babies :lol: :LOL: After awhile the two combatants are getting tired and i see the coon go back in the corner so I stick my arm in there and grabbed the dog by the color.

This dog is MAYBE 20 pounds and other than a minor ear wound was fine, dog is white though and it was black by the time I got it out :lol: :LOL:

Fucking pinpoint Polo and dockers are caked in dirt :doh:

That terrier is one tough little shit though :lol: :LOL:
Digital Jams":2iyws1es said:
Well I gots a very fresh raccoon story...........................

I pull in the driveway coming home from work and the neighbor yells to me if I can help her get your dog out from under the porch as it has a mom raccoon pinned down in the corner under the fucking deck. She has this little kerrin terrier and it somehow got under the deck with the retractable leash still attached and now won't come out. I pull at the leash and that dog is just dug in and I do not know where the coon is so I did not want to endanger the dog or make it proun to get attacked.

I start digging and whole time I hear barking, hissing, growling, and now and then the two going at it and the woman is now in tears :lol: :LOL: I get the hole big enough so I can get a flash light under there and yup......coon with 3-4 babies :lol: :LOL: After awhile the two combatants are getting tired and i see the coon go back in the corner so I stick my arm in there and grabbed the dog by the color.

This dog is MAYBE 20 pounds and other than a minor ear wound was fine, dog is white though and it was black by the time I got it out :lol: :LOL:

Fucking pinpoint Polo and dockers are caked in dirt :doh:

That terrier is one tough little shit though :lol: :LOL:

Yep, that's one of my big concerns...I don't want one of my dogs tangling with a raccoon especially since rabies runs high in the raccoon population. :no:

Hey, maybe you should get a raccoon slayer gun. :lol: :LOL:
Copperhead":oz6afr74 said:
One word. Infrared.

You can own the night. You are a ninja.

http://www.nightgalaxy.com/SearchResult ... agodLiigSA

Yeah, that would be cool, but , holy crips did you see those prices. :no: The average night scope is well over $2000.00. For that kind of $$ I could have had an army of critter removers do the job...cheaper. Besides, I think there has to be at least a little bit of light for those things to work. That attic is pitch black went the flash light is turned off. :scared: :scared: :scared:
Oh, it's easy. You illuminate the attic with infrared, then it's like daylight through the scope. Or maybe goggles...
Why not just put a light up there ? :confused:
A big one.....
Just run some mini stage trees. You know with a few par light cans, hey, run the magenta or burgundy slides on the front, WA-LAH! Instant infra red..... :lol: :LOL:
Why no just offer the though of getting a SEAL team up there :lol: :LOL:

Fucking night goggles :hys: :hys: :hys:
stephen sawall":15bzof13 said:
Why not just put a light up there ? :confused:
A big one.....

Yeah, I've thought about doing that but I was trying to keep the lighting down a little bit so as not to scare they from showing their mugs. :lol: :LOL: I might have to go that route just to see what happens...definitely safer for me. :D