What Religion are You?

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What are you?

  • Christian

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  • Agnostic

  • Gnostic

  • Something else

  • ... atheist

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Of people who all play by their own individual rules. I would argue that is far worse than anything in history.
Very debatable. ...As if the various states and governments have done such a great job and like totally not killed, enslaved or imprisoned millions and not to mention made a mess of the earth.
God was not created. At least not in the sense we understand.
Yeah, people made him up.
Really? Why? What's so special about human life?
Starting to wonder TBH. But humans can think and create and act in a way that other animals can't, so there's that. I think the best reason is because we're able to comprehend each other's experience and decent people try to respect that.
And why is it not that special in countries where they allow the death penalty?
Well the argument would be that the death penalty is justifiable in cases were significant harm is done to others, so "an eye for an eye." The death penalty in theory values the life of the victim to the extent that the one murdering (for example) should be put to death.
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Does the verb "expand" make sense in that scenario? Or rather ... if the big bang created the universe. Does "creating" the big bang make sense?
Create and expand are physical aspects of reality as far our senses can perceive and our brain can understand. Words created by us which makes sense in this place playing by these rules.

Was the universe created inside a place that plays by the same rules or is the universe an enclosure encoded with its own set of rules?

Expand makes sense because we observe matter in the universe moving away from other matter (mostly galaxies, and planets, etc), at the rate, and directions consistent with expansion.

Also we can see the cosmic microwave background radiation continue to expand, and move away.
So the Hebrews needed to kill some races because they were degenerate people. So what?
So God asked Isaac to kill his son to test his faith and then he stopped him. So what?
So slavery was ok in those times. So what?
OMG I'm not saying cannibalism or slavery or genocide is okay — that's what you're saying!
I didn't say you think that way. Nuance. I said that if a cannibal eating you is ok with him and his culture and if USA is ok with death penalty so are other things ok when put into context.
I'm pretty sure you are ok with some things that are considered very "iffy" in many cultures.
Are you suggesting that there has never been a “proper Christian” that owned slaves, or was pro death penalty, etc. You claim that religion can be a basis for the morals of a society, so you and I both know what side of those “iffy” things they SHOULD be on, right? By your description at least
This has turned into a good conversation/debate that was much more enjoyable than most of the stuff in here until you made this remark and brought it closer to typical OTC standards.
I'm glad there are some people here who are open to honest debate without resorting to all kinds of language tricks, logical fallacies and empty insults while in some cases even playing the devil's advocate just to win internet points ...
Empty insults like how you PM me lame insults and then close it to replies?? fuckin doofus lol
Yeah but does the big bang expanding within a "container" make sense ? Is there such a thing as expanding there?
I'm not talking about our universe. I'm asking if the big bang is a physical object that can "expand" and "appear" within its container? Is there even physicality there?

Who said there was a container?

I've always thought black holes are responsible for universe creation, and I think the science community has even come around to this.

I think we live in a multiverse where black holes suck up, and condense matter until it explodes out as a big bang for every new parallel universe.