Cameron CCV transformer

FourT6and2":1kvvv4ns said:
Have you ever played a Cameron Jose? Or a CCV?

Yes. See above.

If so what are your thoughts on the similarities/differences? I know you have/had a Chupa, how about a King Kong? Not being condescending. Just curious. Seems to me most critics have no clue what they sound/feel like at all.

The CCV I had was dark and smooth and sounded/felt more like a Bogner than anything else. The CCV is not a Jose nor a Cali circuit. There is exactly ONE video/clip of the CCV where I think it sounds good. And that clip was the reason I bought one. But the amp didn't sound anything like it in person.

All I am going to point out is a Brad era CCV is waaaaaaay different than one of Mark's Jose modded Marshals.
LP Freak":3h6uvys0 said:
Those transformers are custom made for Mark. I doubt they'll sell you one.

Why not? I doubt Cameron have a contract of exclusivity. For what i read Brad King have all the rights of designs, and names, but not produce amps anymore, so...
FourT6and2":36jtdzau said:
Racerxrated":36jtdzau said:
Didn't say that.

I asked the question for a different reason. ;)

But it's pretty well known that the King Kong tries to be a CCV clone

In what ways? How do the two circuits compare/contrast?

and the Chupacabra tries to be a Cameron Jose Marshall. It's been talked about many times here.

This is why I asked what I asked. Why is it trying to be a Cameron Jose and not a Fortin Jose or a Gower Jose or just a Jose Jose? What makes it a Cameron copy and not a copy of something else?

I'm not criticizing the Ceriatone, as you seem to think I am.

Nothing wrong with a little criticism. :D

When you say the Chupacabra is a copy of a Cameron and that it's not "the real deal" and that it doesn't "add up," what exactly is that if not criticism? If you are criticizing Ceriatone that's totally cool. Don't hide from it. Might as well own it. :) But really... I'm more interested to know details about the other aspect of your comments. Especially since you seem to know the ins/outs of these circuits. I'd love if you could share some of that knowledge. How does Cameron do a Jose/Cali circuit differently than Fortin or Ceriatone or anybody else?

Put it this way. I've talked to CCV and Cam Jose owners that have sold their amps. Some have bought Chupas or King Kongs hoping to capture that amp that they regret selling. No dice.

Maybe those people were mistaken about the Chupa being a Cameron clone. And maybe that's why they were disappointed. I bought my Chupacabra, not because it is or is not a Cameron clone, but because I liked the sound of the amp on its own merits. Not because I was trying to get a cheaper version of another amp. Big difference.

I also owned a CCV. I had it side by side with a Chupacabra. Hell, I played them in stereo at one point. I don't regret selling the CCV. Never really liked it much.

Have you ever played a Cameron Jose? Or a CCV?

Yes. See above.

If so what are your thoughts on the similarities/differences? I know you have/had a Chupa, how about a King Kong? Not being condescending. Just curious. Seems to me most critics have no clue what they sound/feel like at all.

The CCV I had was dark and smooth and sounded/felt more like a Bogner than anything else. The CCV is not a Jose nor a Cali circuit. There is exactly ONE video/clip of the CCV where I think it sounds good. And that clip was the reason I bought one. But the amp didn't sound anything like it in person.

-What happened to your "TRANSFORMER'S DONT REALLY MATTER" BULLSH!T of a STATEMENT??.... oh!.. and by far the best, and most -REVEALING- part, you not only didnt try to explain your BS, you completely, ignored everyone who responded to it with silence!!!! -------WTF- HA!! So, with your head buried in the sand, what exactly were you thinking or hoping for?? Maybe they wont notice & forget it?? Seriously, what???-(psssssst!!!-go edit that "TRANSFORMER'S DONT MATTER" crap out of the thread! -ASAP-!!!)-Heres what i know, being our third rodeo, your just a case of -"INTERNET INTELLIGENCE"- with ZERO CREDIBILITY, wants to appear knowledgeable, give advice, is on literally every guitar & amp forum, picks & chooses information-(his limited knowledge)-is based on what -GOOGLE SEARCH- has to offer, use's electronic wholesaler's catalog as a dictionary-(it makes him -sound- smart)--


-what's more desirable, - "NEW MUSTARD CAPS or OLD ORIGINAL MUSTARD CAPS"?

-("PROVE YOU OWNED A CCV")-Post some of your CCV clips, so we can compare them to a CERITONE KING KONG)-

-and hurry up, your weak rebuttals are diversions, pay more attention to the diarrhea, dripping from your lips.
Racerxrated":2skc2cx2 said:
FourT6and2":2skc2cx2 said:
Racerxrated":2skc2cx2 said:
idnotbe":2skc2cx2 said:
i am going to order Ceriatone KK 100 and considering the options.
one mod i am thinking is the plate voltage switching like CCV high / low power switch (425~450v <-> 525~550v) .

1. does CCV high / low power switch need a special power transformer?
or can this mod be done with a standard marshall super lead 100w power transformer?

2. do the original CCV's PT and OT have the special "spec"s which is different to marshall's?
for ex, super lead's PT is 180-0-180 spec. then CCV is..??

3. what's the high level characteristic of CCV transformers?
for ex, high frequency cut for less fizzy in OT??

4. do you know mercury magnetics' PT and OT part number for CCV?

5. can you recommend some PT or OT, other than the original?
Good luck with your KK. I'm sure it's a cool amp. But let me make a suggestion.

Save your money, and bide your time. Wait it out for the real deal.
My experience with amps that are clones, or copies is once you play or hear the real one, the clones just don't add up.

SLO clone<Real SLO.
Chupacabra<Real Cameron Jose.

I know they are rare and expensive but the wait will be worth it.
And yes I've played a Chupa and SLO clone. Good stuff but fall FAR short to the real deal. IMO.
Good luck!

Did Mark Cameron "invent" the Cali and Jose designs?
Didn't say that. But it's pretty well known that the King Kong tries to be a CCV clone, and the Chupacabra tries to be a Cameron Jose Marshall. It's been talked about many times here.

I'm not criticizing the Ceriatone, as you seem to think I am. All I'm saying is as much as they are a great bang for the buck Modded Marshall clone, and they do sound good they aren't the real deal.

Put it this way. I've talked to CCV and Cam Jose owners that have sold their amps. Some have bought Chupas or King Kongs hoping to capture that amp that they regret selling. No dice.

Have you ever played a Cameron Jose? Or a CCV? If so what are your thoughts on the similarities/differences? I know you have/had a Chupa, how about a King Kong?
Not being condescending. Just curious.
Seems to me most critics have no clue what they sound/feel like at all.
The biggest difference between the Ceriatone and the Camerons is actually in the power supply. This is well documented. The Ceriatones come stock with significantly lower voltage than what Mark likes to use. The high voltage plays a key role in the design
There is a whole lot of butt hurt, hype, and hate in this thread.

1. The reality is more of these are sold than kept
2. The reality is that the want for these revolves around the psychology of hype and wanting what you cant have for most.
3. The reality is that while they do sound great, some of the best clips come from people who get good tone from most Marshall type amps they play from.
4. The reality is that if you ever need you amp worked on, for most of the ones he did, they are not serviceable due to the retarded good he did. Except for a few users on here, most would trust sending their amp back to Mark, nor would Mark take on the work in a professional manner.

His work is not that secretive, there are schematics out there on some of the private forums, they are just not publically availabe due to the abuse of assholes like BillyBladez, who still screwed up parts of the schematic.
scottosan":xyqaaajv said:
There is a whole lot of butt hurt, hype, and hate in this thread.

1. The reality is more of these are sold than kept
2. The reality is that the want for these revolves around the psychology of hype and wanting what you cant have for most.
3. The reality is that while they do sound great, some of the best clips come from people who get good tone from most Marshall type amps they play from.
4. The reality is that if you ever need you amp worked on, for most of the ones he did, they are not serviceable due to the retarded good he did. Except for a few users on here, most would trust sending their amp back to Mark, nor would Mark take on the work in a professional manner.

His work is not that secretive, there are schematics out there on some of the private forums, they are just not publically availabe due to the abuse of assholes like BillyBladez, who still screwed up parts of the schematic.

-Really, all that is "well documented"?.. Where?,.. What sites??
Just my opinion but having built a number of amps I think you should build amps because you enjoy building amps...not to 'have an amp'. It's time consuming and, especially when going into uncharted territory, the end result might be disappointing. You can find lots of really good amps fairly cheap. Building an amp is about the journey, not the destination (you can just buy the 'destination').

An analogy would be homebrewing beer. Before I became a brewer I was a homebrewer. But I always thought; "Beer is cheap, if I just want beer I should just go buy it. I homebrew because I enjoy it."

Food for thought.
idnotbe":1e97o13m said:
CrazyNutz":1e97o13m said:
I've done this with two builds so far with great sucess

order MetroAmp spec. Power Transformer Part number 1203-80-MS

It has the dual HV taps that you need.

Then order the dual voltage switch (Newer version) from:

This switch will replace your standby switch, and allow you to switch between ~425vdc (variac mode) - and ~500vdc. the Middle position will be standby

oh... thank you for the valuable info~!!
could i ask a little more?

1. it seems there is no need to change the components on the board. (except the PT and the dual voltage switch)
am i right?

2. if i use the individual voltage switch (normal standby switch + another voltage mode switch) , can i change the plate voltage on fly (while i run / play the amp) ?

1. No need to change components, however the bias needs to be adjusted on the fly. This is done on the third rail of the 3PDT Switch. The bias tap from the PT runs through that third rail with a resistor to adjust the bias properly when in low, or high mode. I use a 25k trim pot in place of the resistor

2. Yes, you would still use that big 3PDT switch for the voltage change, then run the center poles out to a normal standby siwtch, however since it has a center "off" position that may be weird for you. If that bothers you you'll have to find a switch that has no center position, that may take some time, and patience to track down. And yes you can can change the voltage on the fly as you play, no problem.

Also as Scottosan stated, the KK may have relays that need their own tap of the PT. The PT I suggested to does not have extra taps for relay's. Not a problem though you can add a tiny toroidal transformer to run those. I do that all the time. Ill send you a link later.
sg guy":38w08m3x said:
scottosan":38w08m3x said:
There is a whole lot of butt hurt, hype, and hate in this thread.

1. The reality is more of these are sold than kept
2. The reality is that the want for these revolves around the psychology of hype and wanting what you cant have for most.
3. The reality is that while they do sound great, some of the best clips come from people who get good tone from most Marshall type amps they play from.
4. The reality is that if you ever need you amp worked on, for most of the ones he did, they are not serviceable due to the retarded good he did. Except for a few users on here, most would trust sending their amp back to Mark, nor would Mark take on the work in a professional manner.

His work is not that secretive, there are schematics out there on some of the private forums, they are just not publically availabe due to the abuse of assholes like BillyBladez, who still screwed up parts of the schematic.

-Really, all that is "well documented"?.. Where?,.. What sites??

Metro forum
SpiderWars":bytjf6ce said:
mhenson42":bytjf6ce said:
SpiderWars":bytjf6ce said:
Before I became a brewer I was a homebrewer.

Just curious what brewery you brew for?
JDubs in Sarasota, very small even by craft brewing standards.

Nice. I've been to several hundred breweries across the country but not that one. lol I usually hit Tampa for Hunahpu Day/Beer week and try hit most of the local spots I haven't been to when I travel, but that may be a little too far south.
EXPcustom":33pdu9ms said:
FourT6and2":33pdu9ms said:
Have you ever played a Cameron Jose? Or a CCV?

Yes. See above.

If so what are your thoughts on the similarities/differences? I know you have/had a Chupa, how about a King Kong? Not being condescending. Just curious. Seems to me most critics have no clue what they sound/feel like at all.

The CCV I had was dark and smooth and sounded/felt more like a Bogner than anything else. The CCV is not a Jose nor a Cali circuit. There is exactly ONE video/clip of the CCV where I think it sounds good. And that clip was the reason I bought one. But the amp didn't sound anything like it in person.

All I am going to point out is a Brad era CCV is waaaaaaay different than one of Mark's Jose modded Marshals.

Yeah, I recognize that. Never played a Cameron modified Marshall. There are maybe one or two clips I've heard that I like. One is PsychoDave's 50-watt Cameron Jose clip. But he took it down from YT. But that clip was hands down the perfect tone. Haven't really found another Cameron clip I've liked.
sg guy":1fckkceu said:
FourT6and2":1fckkceu said:
Racerxrated":1fckkceu said:
Didn't say that.

I asked the question for a different reason. ;)

But it's pretty well known that the King Kong tries to be a CCV clone

In what ways? How do the two circuits compare/contrast?

and the Chupacabra tries to be a Cameron Jose Marshall. It's been talked about many times here.

This is why I asked what I asked. Why is it trying to be a Cameron Jose and not a Fortin Jose or a Gower Jose or just a Jose Jose? What makes it a Cameron copy and not a copy of something else?

I'm not criticizing the Ceriatone, as you seem to think I am.

Nothing wrong with a little criticism. :D

When you say the Chupacabra is a copy of a Cameron and that it's not "the real deal" and that it doesn't "add up," what exactly is that if not criticism? If you are criticizing Ceriatone that's totally cool. Don't hide from it. Might as well own it. :) But really... I'm more interested to know details about the other aspect of your comments. Especially since you seem to know the ins/outs of these circuits. I'd love if you could share some of that knowledge. How does Cameron do a Jose/Cali circuit differently than Fortin or Ceriatone or anybody else?

Put it this way. I've talked to CCV and Cam Jose owners that have sold their amps. Some have bought Chupas or King Kongs hoping to capture that amp that they regret selling. No dice.

Maybe those people were mistaken about the Chupa being a Cameron clone. And maybe that's why they were disappointed. I bought my Chupacabra, not because it is or is not a Cameron clone, but because I liked the sound of the amp on its own merits. Not because I was trying to get a cheaper version of another amp. Big difference.

I also owned a CCV. I had it side by side with a Chupacabra. Hell, I played them in stereo at one point. I don't regret selling the CCV. Never really liked it much.

Have you ever played a Cameron Jose? Or a CCV?

Yes. See above.

If so what are your thoughts on the similarities/differences? I know you have/had a Chupa, how about a King Kong? Not being condescending. Just curious. Seems to me most critics have no clue what they sound/feel like at all.

The CCV I had was dark and smooth and sounded/felt more like a Bogner than anything else. The CCV is not a Jose nor a Cali circuit. There is exactly ONE video/clip of the CCV where I think it sounds good. And that clip was the reason I bought one. But the amp didn't sound anything like it in person.

-What happened to your "TRANSFORMER'S DONT REALLY MATTER" BULLSH!T of a STATEMENT??.... oh!.. and by far the best, and most -REVEALING- part, you not only didnt try to explain your BS, you completely, ignored everyone who responded to it with silence!!!! -------WTF- HA!! So, with your head buried in the sand, what exactly were you thinking or hoping for?? Maybe they wont notice & forget it?? Seriously, what???-(psssssst!!!-go edit that "TRANSFORMER'S DONT MATTER" crap out of the thread! -ASAP-!!!)-Heres what i know, being our third rodeo, your just a case of -"INTERNET INTELLIGENCE"- with ZERO CREDIBILITY, wants to appear knowledgeable, give advice, is on literally every guitar & amp forum, picks & chooses information-(his limited knowledge)-is based on what -GOOGLE SEARCH- has to offer, use's electronic wholesaler's catalog as a dictionary-(it makes him -sound- smart)--


-what's more desirable, - "NEW MUSTARD CAPS or OLD ORIGINAL MUSTARD CAPS"?

-("PROVE YOU OWNED A CCV")-Post some of your CCV clips, so we can compare them to a CERITONE KING KONG)-

-and hurry up, your weak rebuttals are diversions, pay more attention to the diarrhea, dripping from your lips.

It's kind of hard to understand what you're saying when you type in broken English. But I'm going to assume it's all BS and nonsense. You have a striking inability to follow a simple train of thought and understand what people say and understand context clues. So all your responses are non-sequiturs, red herrings, and straw men. So really, the only thing one can do is ignore you. My response above has a lot of subtext and you need to be able to read between the lines to understand what I'm actually getting at. And you lack that ability.

How about you prove your original claim that Ceriatone amps are built with "the absolute worst components." You still haven't provide one shred of evidence. I totally shut you down in that other thread. You didn't even reply there. Instead you come into this thread to start up the argument again. You're a joke. Prove I owned a CCV? Hurry up? Who do you think you are? Get lost. I bought my CCV from mhenson42. Why don't you go ask him about it.
scottosan":1ud1hfdf said:
There is a whole lot of butt hurt, hype, and hate in this thread.

1. The reality is more of these are sold than kept
2. The reality is that the want for these revolves around the psychology of hype and wanting what you cant have for most.
3. The reality is that while they do sound great, some of the best clips come from people who get good tone from most Marshall type amps they play from.
4. The reality is that if you ever need you amp worked on, for most of the ones he did, they are not serviceable due to the retarded good he did. Except for a few users on here, most would trust sending their amp back to Mark, nor would Mark take on the work in a professional manner.

His work is not that secretive, there are schematics out there on some of the private forums, they are just not publically availabe due to the abuse of assholes like BillyBladez, who still screwed up parts of the schematic.

Agreed. I have all the schematics as I'm sure you do too. Nothing magical going on. All these amps have been dissected to death on all the other forums (Metro, SLO Clone, Ampage, Ampgarage, etc.).
FourT6and2":3h78bki8 said:
scottosan":3h78bki8 said:
There is a whole lot of butt hurt, hype, and hate in this thread.

1. The reality is more of these are sold than kept NOPE
2. The reality is that the want for these revolves around the psychology of hype and wanting what you cant have for most. MAYBE
3. The reality is that while they do sound great, some of the best clips come from people who get good tone from most Marshall type amps they play from. MAYBE
4. The reality is that if you ever need you amp worked on, for most of the ones he did, they are not serviceable due to the retarded good he did. Except for a few users on here, most would trust sending their amp back to Mark, nor would Mark take on the work in a professional manner. PROBABLY

His work is not that secretive, there are schematics out there on some of the private forums, they are just not publically availabe due to the abuse of assholes like BillyBladez, who still screwed up parts of the schematic.

Agreed. I have all the schematics as I'm sure you do too. Nothing magical going on. All these amps have been dissected to death on all the other forums (Metro, SLO Clone, Ampage, Ampgarage, etc.).
So I absolutely disagree with your first post. The reality is this...

1. When was the last time you saw one for sale? A month ago??
They RARELY come up, be it a CCV or a Cam Marshall.

The other points I can agree with somewhat. However, as I and others have said it isn't "Paint by numbers" schematics for the Camerons. It's all about the tweaking he does as he builds.
And the goop of course. :D

The tweaking is why NO ONE will ever get the sound, or the feel completely right. That's why these amps are gone within hours. Because not even BLADEZ can get it right. THANK GOD.
FourT6and2":19vzdgz4 said:
Racerxrated":19vzdgz4 said:
Didn't say that.

I asked the question for a different reason. ;)

But it's pretty well known that the King Kong tries to be a CCV clone

In what ways? How do the two circuits compare/contrast?

and the Chupacabra tries to be a Cameron Jose Marshall. It's been talked about many times here.

This is why I asked what I asked. Why is it trying to be a Cameron Jose and not a Fortin Jose or a Gower Jose or just a Jose Jose? What makes it a Cameron copy and not a copy of something else?

I'm not criticizing the Ceriatone, as you seem to think I am.

Nothing wrong with a little criticism. :D

When you say the Chupacabra is a copy of a Cameron and that it's not "the real deal" and that it doesn't "add up," what exactly is that if not criticism? If you are criticizing Ceriatone that's totally cool. Don't hide from it. Might as well own it. :) But really... I'm more interested to know details about the other aspect of your comments. Especially since you seem to know the ins/outs of these circuits. I'd love if you could share some of that knowledge. How does Cameron do a Jose/Cali circuit differently than Fortin or Ceriatone or anybody else?

Put it this way. I've talked to CCV and Cam Jose owners that have sold their amps. Some have bought Chupas or King Kongs hoping to capture that amp that they regret selling. No dice.

Maybe those people were mistaken about the Chupa being a Cameron clone. And maybe that's why they were disappointed. I bought my Chupacabra, not because it is or is not a Cameron clone, but because I liked the sound of the amp on its own merits. Not because I was trying to get a cheaper version of another amp. Big difference.

I also owned a CCV. I had it side by side with a Chupacabra. Hell, I played them in stereo at one point. I don't regret selling the CCV. Never really liked it much.

Have you ever played a Cameron Jose? Or a CCV?

Yes. See above.

If so what are your thoughts on the similarities/differences? I know you have/had a Chupa, how about a King Kong? Not being condescending. Just curious. Seems to me most critics have no clue what they sound/feel like at all.

The CCV I had was dark and smooth and sounded/felt more like a Bogner than anything else. The CCV is not a Jose nor a Cali circuit. There is exactly ONE video/clip of the CCV where I think it sounds good. And that clip was the reason I bought one. But the amp didn't sound anything like it in person.
I don't have the ability to examine the circuits and compare. But, if I dug deep enough on this forum when the Chupa came out there were many discussions about how Nik bought a Cameron Jose and cloned it. Public knowledge. Same with the Kong. He bought a CCV and cloned it. Now, do I have proof? No. But I trust the people I heard it from here.

My only point with my post is if the OP wants a Cameron, wait and buy the real thing. As much as there are clones, and people swearing the clones are just as good the reality of what I've read and heard personally from actual owners of Cameron CCVs and modded Marshalls is the clones don't measure up to the Camerons in TONE, and FEEL. Maybe they aren't advertised as such but some seem to think they are the same thing. They aren't.
When you ask people who have actually owned Cameron stuff to compare to the clones, they say they are different. Way different as to not even bother comparing. Not in a bad way, just too different in TONE and FEEL to compare to a Cameron amp.
Racerxrated":8qa485zx said:
FourT6and2":8qa485zx said:
Racerxrated":8qa485zx said:
Didn't say that.

I asked the question for a different reason. ;)

But it's pretty well known that the King Kong tries to be a CCV clone

In what ways? How do the two circuits compare/contrast?

and the Chupacabra tries to be a Cameron Jose Marshall. It's been talked about many times here.

This is why I asked what I asked. Why is it trying to be a Cameron Jose and not a Fortin Jose or a Gower Jose or just a Jose Jose? What makes it a Cameron copy and not a copy of something else?

I'm not criticizing the Ceriatone, as you seem to think I am.

Nothing wrong with a little criticism. :D

When you say the Chupacabra is a copy of a Cameron and that it's not "the real deal" and that it doesn't "add up," what exactly is that if not criticism? If you are criticizing Ceriatone that's totally cool. Don't hide from it. Might as well own it. :) But really... I'm more interested to know details about the other aspect of your comments. Especially since you seem to know the ins/outs of these circuits. I'd love if you could share some of that knowledge. How does Cameron do a Jose/Cali circuit differently than Fortin or Ceriatone or anybody else?

Put it this way. I've talked to CCV and Cam Jose owners that have sold their amps. Some have bought Chupas or King Kongs hoping to capture that amp that they regret selling. No dice.

Maybe those people were mistaken about the Chupa being a Cameron clone. And maybe that's why they were disappointed. I bought my Chupacabra, not because it is or is not a Cameron clone, but because I liked the sound of the amp on its own merits. Not because I was trying to get a cheaper version of another amp. Big difference.

I also owned a CCV. I had it side by side with a Chupacabra. Hell, I played them in stereo at one point. I don't regret selling the CCV. Never really liked it much.

Have you ever played a Cameron Jose? Or a CCV?

Yes. See above.

If so what are your thoughts on the similarities/differences? I know you have/had a Chupa, how about a King Kong? Not being condescending. Just curious. Seems to me most critics have no clue what they sound/feel like at all.

The CCV I had was dark and smooth and sounded/felt more like a Bogner than anything else. The CCV is not a Jose nor a Cali circuit. There is exactly ONE video/clip of the CCV where I think it sounds good. And that clip was the reason I bought one. But the amp didn't sound anything like it in person.
I don't have the ability to examine the circuits and compare. But, if I dug deep enough on this forum when the Chupa came out there were many discussions about how Nik bought a Cameron Jose and cloned it. Public knowledge. Same with the Kong. He bought a CCV and cloned it. Now, do I have proof? No. But I trust the people I heard it from here.

My only point with my post is if the OP wants a Cameron, wait and buy the real thing. As much as there are clones, and people swearing the clones are just as good the reality of what I've read and heard personally from actual owners of Cameron CCVs and modded Marshalls is the clones don't measure up to the Camerons in TONE, and FEEL. Maybe they aren't advertised as such but some seem to think they are the same thing. They aren't.
When you ask people who have actually owned Cameron stuff to compare to the clones, they say they are different. Way different as to not even bother comparing. Not in a bad way, just too different in TONE and FEEL to compare to a Cameron amp.
i go back to my earlier statement that the powers section is the most overlooked part of cloning. Proper choke and B+ play a huge role in the sound and feel. My #1 complaint of the Ceriatones are that I prefers higher B+ and a 3h choke. Ceriatone uses lower B+ and higher choke values
mhenson42":3viup3pf said:
SpiderWars":3viup3pf said:
mhenson42":3viup3pf said:
SpiderWars":3viup3pf said:
Before I became a brewer I was a homebrewer.

Just curious what brewery you brew for?
JDubs in Sarasota, very small even by craft brewing standards.

Nice. I've been to several hundred breweries across the country but not that one. lol I usually hit Tampa for Hunahpu Day/Beer week and try hit most of the local spots I haven't been to when I travel, but that may be a little too far south.
I used to work at Cigar City and brewed Hunahpu/Zhukov many times. [/hijack] :)