Well-known member
I couldn't agree more ....I though you swore by the Carl Martin plexi pedal?
I don't think you can get all those dynamics you listed in a pedal platform. That's asking a pedal to do alot ahead of the an amplifier preamp and power section. I think alot of people have tried to do this very thing and seems they have fallen short. You may just have to settle for just ok.
The Ossie Ahsen Mototeddy preamp pedals do sound pretty cool.
As RSM mentioned for EVH plexi tone in a bottle probably would be the Kemper but alas that it is digital and you're still looking for a analog pedal to package Phase inverter Power amp clipping in the preamp of a pedal.
It does sound like George Metropolus is incorporate some type of emulation circuits within his new Metroplex II circuits. I doubt he would evolve that innovation into a pedal taking away his sale of his amps.
I've breadboarded or have built over 60 drives / boosts / Distortions .... usually the best ones use JFETs .... especially the J201's they are probably the best " Tube emulating " transistors ....
the Wampler Pinnacle would probably be my choice .... I've built and modded a handful of them over the last few years .... they use J201's .... and will get you as close as you're going to get IMO