Chicken pickin’ and sweep picking. Can’t chicken pick for shit and I can sweep one shape half the time I go for it. Sweeping I’m not too interested in at this point, the extent of use I’d get out of it isn’t worth the effort. The only time I dig it is when it’s used as a crescendo in a solo and not a feature, Petrucci’s “Scarred” solo is a perfect example. Chicken pickin’ I’d LOVE to invest some time into.
I’m gonna make a vid soon about pinch harmonics, I get them 2 different ways and interchange them frequently depending on what I’m playing. There’s the traditional side-of-thumb method, but how I started was accidental; cupping the whammy bar like Gilmour I’d unintentionally brush my ring finger knuckle against the string and hit a pinch harmonic, I ended up working it into my overall technique and it’s fool-proof 99% of the time on any sting. In 28 years I’ve only heard of a bass player doing something similar where they’d pull up on the string with the forefinger/thumb and use their ring finger knuckle to hit harmonics.
The EVH tapping harmonics were one of the first ‘tricks’ I learned as a young guitarist, I had my uncle show me after seeing Live Without A Net or Right Here Right Now, While accuracy in hitting that octave node helps, if your finger is fairly flat and coming at the board from a 45 degree angle, you can get a good amount of fingermeat on that string over that octave node and it’ll still ring. Smackin’ it with the right amount of pressure, getting in and out cleanly goes a long way. I used to just practice 2-note per string pentatonic scales back and forth doing it. That’s a good couch exercise while watching TV, especially unplugged because you can really hear when the harmonics are popping out and when they aren’t, but sitting back on the couch and hiking the guitar up puts you at a great angle for it.